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September 24, 2016
New server, and so this website is back from the dead.
I may post an additional chapter or two soon (My Life in the
Garden of Rainbows, at least, has another chapter that I
haven't posted, yet).
The Links page has been removed, as most of the links are most
likely no longer valid.
March 13,
My Life in the Garden of Rainbows, Prologue
(experimental Ranma/Futari wa PreCure crossover)
25, 2008
I suppose you could consider this a Christmas present update.
Updated email contact information, plus a few other page details.
Minako: A Life Renewed (incomplete, early
A Kunoichi, Far From Home (Ranma/Final
Fantasy VII crossover ideafic)
Update #2, a short time later that day: fixed a stupid mistake I
should probably have caught a LONG time ago...
30, 2007
A last minute-status update, maybe.
July 1,
Yes, another minor update. For now. ^_^;;;
Added: The Cost of Silence,
Part One
November 18, 2005
year is added to the 2003 Changes page. ^_^;
A mostly minor update, mostly to inform everyone that my
address is going offline, and to let everyone know I'm still here
and writing.
June 18,
Early-morning fixes (and additions) to the top section of the
Links page, which I should've done in the last update.
June 17, 2004
Added two links to the Links page, and updated/verified others.
June 15, 2004
Just a slight (extremely) minor update: a notice, and revising the
percent-complete figure for the next part of A Call to Action.
March 29, 2004
Rather than create a new Changes page for 2004, I'm adding the log
to what was originally the 2003 log...
This update's been delayed in more than one way since December. In
fact, I originally hoped to have A
Goddess' Dilemma 1 posted before Christmas, but things kept
conspiring to keep me from posting. (I won't go into detail. :)
Status update. Modified some of the text on the main page.
Added: A Goddess' Dilemma,
Part One (and its own section on the main page (it doesn't have an
anchor or sub-page, yet...
I'm hoping to post some art, soon.))
Fan art: Ranmira, by Jason
November 2, 2003
I'm updating! Well... Another delayed and very minor
update, yes. Reasons explained on main page. ^_^
Updated Links and Index page to reflect a server change (my ISP has changed its alias to
May 19, 2003
Another minor update. But some might be relieved to know I've
finally started work on A Goddess' Dilemma. Plus, I've
updated the status list on the main page with (mostly) proper
information... I thought I updated the Mercury's Song
information when I posted part four? Huh.
April 22, 2003
Minor (yes, unfortunately, minor) status update. Hopefully, more to
come after the chaos settles down. Well, some of it. -_-
December 3, 2002
Updated: Mercury's Song 4 (minor spelling changes)
November 30, 2002
Oops. I've actually had my RanMoon Project stories page up for about
ten days now, as a test page, but haven't linked to it... so I'm
doing that now. Note that it's just a simple (rushed) text page with
links; I'm probably going to have to rewrite that description of the
Project at the top of the page sooner or later. And the story
descriptions. And...
October 5, 2002
Added important notice about the alias for my primary
email address to the main page.
September 10, 2002
Quick status update.
May 28, 2002
Updated the links
to Ryan Erik and the Eternal Lost Lurker's pages.
Still can't figure out how a bunch of hyperlinks (without
anything to click on) were duplicated in the Links HTML code, but
I've removed them.
May 24, 2002
Status update on main page.
February 24, 2002
Updated link
to The Definitive Sailor
Moon Fanfiction Directory.
February 2, 2002
Added: Fan-art picture of Ranmira.
Thanks go to Jason Suryoutomo.
December 9, 2001
Minor status update.
Added: Nine new/replaced pictures in the Gallery.
July 11, 2001
With this update, I'm going to start posting direct links on the
changelog to whatever's added or updated in each update, to make it
a little easier to find (something I probably should have done a
while back :/).
Added two new fanart pictures for A Call To Action. Thanks
go to Jacalyn Smith (actap-02.jpg)
and TendouAkaneChan (terra.jpg).
June 20, 2001
Another late update. I've had A Call To Action part six
ready for at least a month, but problems with my computer (the
original system died) and the usual schedule nonsense kept me from
being able to get much done. As it is, I'm hoping I won't have any
problems when I try to post this update. ^_^
Added: A Call To Action, Part Six
February 25, 2001
I know it's been a little while since I last updated, but I wanted
to wait until I had something definite to post rather than make
several small updates in the interim, saying little more than "[fill
in name of story here] isn't done yet, but I hope to have it
done soon." My miserable 'real-life' schedule is primarily to blame
for the delays...
Added: Destiny's Wish 34
Added: Destiny's Wish volume seven.
Removed the javascript shortcut menu applet from the main page. It
wasn't really necessary and more than likely slowed the page
loading down... the menu might return later, though.
Updated the Links page and status notices on the main page, as well
as the changelog pages for 2000 and 2001.
Finally posted that Image Gallery overhaul I've been mentioning for
a while. From the Gallery changelog:
The long-awaited (heh) overhaul of the Image Gallery.
Modified/recolored some images and added new images.
I'm switching to this simpler page format to make it easier and
faster for me to modify/update the page, so with any luck I'll
update it more often. ^_^
September 13, 2000
--- Added two links to the Links page.
August 30, 2000
--- A somewhat delayed update; I haven't had enough time on the
computer to get this update done until today. :(
--- Minor changes to A Call To Action 4 and Instruments
of Change 18.
--- Changed A Call To Action 1: 1) Removed the 'experimental
story/series' note at the end. 2) Fixed Nabiki's henshin pen in the
scene in her bedroom.
--- New art: Hana (A New Quest), Sailor Ondyre (A New
Quest, recolored version of older picture), Ranmira (Instruments
of Change. I thought I'd posted this picture a while back, but
it seems to have slipped through the cracks. Oh, well...)
--- I thought I'd try putting together some desktop wallpaper just
for fun, for Instruments of Change and A Call To Action.
The BMP files are available in zip archives in the respective
July 28, 2000
--- Replaced the main index page with the contents of stories1.htm,
since the 'doorway'/menu page isn't really necessary, any longer. :)
Updated most of the links to point to the new page.
--- Moved A Call To Action onto its own sub-page.
--- Added image of Eternal Sailor Terra to the A Call To Action
June 29, 2000
--- Removed the MIDI-playing JavaScript routines from the main page.
--- Moved A New Quest and Bubblegum Splash! onto
their own sub-pages. Shifted one image to the Links page, and
removed the reference to another at the top of the page for the
moment, all in an attempt to make the main page take a little less
time to download. :/
--- Minor status update.
June 25, 2000
--- Minor update to the Links page - I realized I'd forgotten to
include the link to the Ranma 2096 pages after
'reconstructing' the Links page. (Sorry about that, Chris. :I) Some
of the links may no longer be valid or changed; I haven't had the
time to look at them.
June 20, 2000
--- Some minor page changes (mostly minor details that supposedly
needed to be 'fixed.' ^_^) Thanks to Fred Duck for mentioning those
June 16, 2000
--- Added a fan-art picture from Jacalyn Smith for A Call to
June 11, 2000
--- I've taken the text version of the main page offline, and am no
longer updating it. If there's a demand for it, I'll consider
putting it back up.
--- Moved Destiny's Wish and Instruments of Change
to their own sub-pages. The main page is over 10k smaller as a
result and should load a little faster with a few less images. ^_^
--- Added new picture of Eliza for Bubblegum Splash!, and
removed the two previous pictures.
--- Added spamfic: Whose Nightmare is it, Anyway? to the Other
May 28, 2000
--- Minor revisions to A Call to Action 1 and 2, plus some
slightly larger revisions to Instruments of Change 14.
Updated the second Instruments of Change 'volume' file with
the latest version of part 14.
April 28, 2000
--- Fixed mistakes in Instruments of Change 13 and 16, and A
Call to Action 4. Updated the second Instruments of Change
'volume' file with the newer versions of parts 13 and 16.
--- Added 'post-part 18' pictures of Akane (and Kaede) to the Instruments
of Change section.
April 8, 2000
--- Added Instruments of Change 18. Revised the Instruments
of Change 'volume' zip files to contain parts 1-18, but in a
different order.
March 25, 2000
--- Replaced Instruments of Change 17 with a new version
correcting an error in the story. Minor status update.
February 27, 2000
--- Minor update: the close-cropping on dw_ran3.jpg caused part of
the bottom to be ruined. I added 'highlights' to Ranma's hair, then
re-scanned the picture and cropped it a different way.
Unfortunately, this drove the filesize up about 10kb.
--- I don't know why, but the date shown on the index page when I
uploaded the last update two days ago was listed as 'February 28,'
instead of the 25th, as it was supposed to be. Of course, with this
update, it's reset to the 27th. ^_^ The 'internal' date on index.htm
actually was correct...
February 25, 2000
--- Another status update. Replaced chalea.jpg, dw_main.jpg,
dw_ran2.jpg, dw_ran3.jpg, hana2a.jpg and jupi50.jpg with recolored
versions. Added new Sailor Terra image for A Call to Action.
January 27, 2000
--- Minor status update, plus two new fan-art pictures from Packrat
for Instruments of Change.
--- Thanks to John Boydston for pointing out to me that I
forgot to update the index page with the correct 'last updated' date
on January 7... (at least I think I forgot it) It should have the
correct date, now... ^_^
January 7, 2000
--- New year, new changelog page. Or something like that.
--- Added three new pictures - one for A New Quest, plus two
for Instruments of Change.
December 4, 1999
--- Added Instruments of Change 17.
December 2, 1999
--- Status update, since I've finally had time to get around to it.
--- Slight revision to Destiny's Wish 33.
October 9, 1999
--- Added A Call To Action 5.
--- Status update.
September 4, 1999
--- Added Instruments of Change 16.
--- Status update.
August 25, 1999
--- Updated the link to Fire's pages on the Links
---Minor status update.
August 19, 1999
--- Added the Forever Award for Excellence for Instruments
of Change, with thanks to Fiona Lim.
August 9, 1999
--- Due to a server upgrade, the URLs for these pages have changed
slightly. If you're linking to /~makoto/index.htm, either
change it to /~makoto/index.html or better yet, just drop
the index.html reference (/~makoto/). Also, you may want to
change the server name in your links and bookmarks from
to Sorry for any inconveniences this
--- Updates to each of the main pages to reflect this change. Also,
an update for the text at the bottom of the Gallery pages to
indicate ImageGen's successor. :)
--- Manually updated all the story files to add the new URL where
necessary, and the zipfiles have the new text files. If you notice
any errors, let me know.
--- Updated the link to Christopher Angel's pages on the Links page.
August 1, 1999
--- Updated Instruments of Change 15 (minor changes to one
July 15, 1999
--- Added Instruments of Change 15 and three pictures.
--- Updated status section and links page.
July 12, 1999
--- Corrected link to Instruments of Change volume 2 zipfile
on text page. Thanks to Kevin D. Hammel for noticing it
wasn't right.
--- Updated links page with a couple of new links and 'correcting'
an old link.
--- Minor status update. I've got more stuff to add, but I'm waiting
until I post Instruments of Change 15 to add it.
June 18, 1999
--- Minor page changes.
--- Replaced: A Call To Action 4 (slight revision)
--- Added: Two new images for Instruments of Change.
June 3, 1999
--- Added: Instruments of Change 14
--- Replaced single ZIP archive of IoC stories with two smaller
May 29, 1999
--- Added: A Call To Action 4
May 25, 1999 (slightly delayed update)
--- Added five new fan-art pictures from Packrat.
--- Added: a ZIP archive of all the Instruments of Change
stories. I may divide this into smaller archives after part 14 is
--- Status update, including one I keep forgetting to put up.
May 3, 1999
--- Added: Instruments of Change 13
--- Minor status updates.
April 25, 1999
--- Added a fan-art picture of Ryomi (Destiny's Wish) by Packrat.
April 19, 1999
--- Added: Destiny's Wish 33
--- Replaced: Destiny's Wish 29 (and corresponding Volume 6;
minor revisions)
April 9, 1999
--- Replaced: Instruments of Change 11, 12 (extremely minor
April 7, 1999
--- Added: Instruments of Change 12, Bubblegum Splash!
March 27, 1999
--- Added: A Call To Action 3
March 23, 1999
--- Updated the Future Projects section with a small status update.
--- Replaced the table on stories1.htm with experimental Java code
using David Griffith's PopMenu
applet. The section may still need some work, but I figured I'd put
in something better than the lackluster HTML table that was there.
Let me know what you think - if it's necessary, I'll put the table back.
--- Added a link to Fire's Fanfics.
March 4, 1999
--- Replaced: A Call To Action 2, Instruments of Change
11 (minor revisions)
February 24, 1999
--- Updated Future Projects section to add A Call To Action
part 3. ^_^
--- Replaced: Instruments of Change 10 (minor revision)
--- Added: Instruments of Change 11
February 12, 1999
--- Added: A Call To Action section; includes parts one and
two, plus a picture.
February 3, 1999
--- Replaced: All instances of Destiny's Wish parts 1 and 5
(minor revisions, includes text, HTML versions and the Volume 1
--- Replaced: Instruments of Change 1 (minor revision)
--- (Yes, I've been delayed by such things as classes, but I hope to
get back on track soon :/)
January 3, 1999
--- Added: Instruments of Change 10
--- Replaced: Picture of Ranmira 'in Goddess clothes' (ranmirag.jpg)
--- New links page. Other minor changes.
December 15, 1998
--- Updates: Minor status update. Instruments of Change has
received an award (#2 in the Miniseries category of the Best of
Ranma Fanfiction awards); thanks to all who voted.
December 13, 1998
--- I've stopped placing the titles of the story series within each
story link on the pages. It wasn't much of a problem when there
weren't that many stories to a section, but when you build up a
section with 32 stories and six volumes, having each file link read
"Destiny's Wish, ..." can really be annoying. I kept doing
this mostly to make the links longer/easier to find, so if people
would rather I did continue to use the titles, I'll bring
them back. Otherwise...
--- Revised: Instruments of Change 2 (a few
December 5, 1998
--- Added Destiny's Wish 32 and Instruments of Change
9 (finally! :)
--- Added two Destiny's Wish fan-art pictures, courtesy of Packrat.
--- Attempt to switch MIDI playing on 'graphics version' page to use
the LiveUpdate playMIDI Java script. This won't necessarily require
Crescendo to play the MIDI, but makes the page's filesize a little
larger. (sigh)
November 28, 1998
--- Early (12:30 AM!) attempt to get the MIDI on the 'graphics
version' page to work in Netscape Communicator/Navigator 4.x
versions with experimental JavaScript. I'm not sure if this will
work or not; I hope to have a better solution later.
November 27, 1998
--- Minor page updates (mostly, the status reports)
November 12, 1998
--- Added picture of Kaede to IoC section.
--- Added link to the official Ranma Preludes page in the
Other section.
October 26, 1998
--- Added Instruments of Change 8.
--- Added new Ranmira picture to IoC section.
--- Replaced Instruments of Change 5 (one-character
--- Replaced original Ayumi picture in Destiny's Wish
--- 'Disabled' links page for the moment, pending maintenance.
October 13, 1998
--- Added Ranma Preludes: Tendo, and 'Other' section. Minor
update to 'Coming Soon' section; I'm running a little behind and
should have more updates to the page soon. (Hopefully. :)
September 21, 1998
--- Added Instruments of Change 7 and two more images for IoC
--- Minor revisions to Instruments of Change 4 and 6
September 7, 1998
--- Added Instruments of Change 6
--- Resampled several of the images on the main 'graphics version'
page, so now they're considerably smaller... and the page should
load faster.
September 1, 1998
--- Minor page updates
--- Minor revision to Instruments of Change 5
August 13,1998
--- Added Destiny's Wish 31, Instruments of Change 5
--- Removed 'CG Present for 2000+ Visitors' as I'm considering
adding a counter.
---Added link to the Anime Hideaway. ^_^ (Note: The Links page is still
unsorted and in need of a real update.)
--- Minor page changes.
--- Images replaced/added:
Bubblegum Splash: Eliza (second picture, replaced)
Destiny's Wish: Ayumi (female) in overalls (corrected),
Ayumi (female) in swimsuit
Instruments of Change: Akane
A New Quest: Brin (replaced)
July 30, 1998
--- Removed the server downtime notice.
--- Slight update of the main pages.
--- Added Instruments of Change 3 and 4, Destiny's Wish
--- Slightly revised version of Destiny's Wish 29, which
received a Fanfic of the Month award (#3 for Jun. '98, Continuing
--- Minor revisions: Instruments of Change 2 (yes, again
^_^), Destiny's Wish 1, 11, the Thanks for the Memories
text and HTML files.
--- Updated the Volume 1 and 3 archives for Destiny's Wish,
and added Volume 6.
--- My apologies for the rushed changes; there will be a few more
updates soon, including a few pictures.
June 23, 1998
--- Added notice of server downtime to main four pages.
--- Slightly revised version of Instruments of Change 2.
June 21, 1998
--- Updated link to A Sailor Moon Romance on Links page.
June 18, 1998
--- Added Instruments of Change 2.
June 12, 1998
--- Added new section for Instruments of Change, with Part 1
and a character picture.
May 29, 1998
--- Added Destiny's Wish 29.
May 15, 1998
--- Added mention of Fanfic of the Month award (#2 for Apr. '98,
Continuing Series) for Destiny's Wish, Part 27.
May 13, 1998
--- Revised Destiny's Wish 21 (and
--- Added Destiny's Wish 28.
--- Added Kevin D. Hammel's vector-drawn version of
ond_fnl.jpg and a Bubblegum Splash group picture.
--- Reduced the transparent GIF image of Sailor Jupiter on the
Graphics version page in size. As soon as I get suitable versions of
the other large picture, I'll probably replace that, too.
April 30, 1998
--- Minor page changes, except for the Links page, where I updated
one link, removed another and added one or two links. Please note
that I don't really edit or add much to the Links page any longer; I
probably should sort it into categories one of these days, but I
don't even have the time to go through and make sure all of the
links are valid. :(
April 26, 1998
--- Revised A New Quest 1 (text and HTML versions) and 6.
April 21, 1998
--- Revised Destiny's Wish 14, and updated Volume 3 to
match. :)
--- Corrected the display of dw_main.jpg on stories1.htm. Thanks to
Kevin D. Hammel for getting me to finally get around to
figuring out what the problem was. :)
April 15, 1998
--- More page changes.
--- Revised Destiny's Wish 15, 17, and added 27.
--- Replaced two of the Destiny's Wish pictures with color
versions (dw_main and dw_ran3) and added two more pictures.
--- Added 'volumes' (zip archives) 1-5 for Destiny's Wish.
--- Added picture of Corwyn for A New Quest.
--- Added 2000+ hit "congratulations" image from Fred Duck's
Nest. (See the page for more details... :)
March 26, 1998
--- Some minor page changes. Slight revision for Destiny's Wish
March 16, 1998
--- Some minor page changes. Slight revisions for A New Quest
3 and 6.
--- Added mention of Fanfic of the Month award (#1 for Feb. '98,
Continuing Series) for Destiny's Wish, Part 24. Again,
thanks for the votes!
March 7, 1998
--- Added/changed some of the graphics on the Graphics version page
--- New button, for all you linkers out there. It's not great,
but it'll do for now. Copies of the button are on the main
story page (graphics version only, unless no one minds an image on
the text-only page :) and the index page.
--- Added Destiny's Wish 26.
--- Restored the overwritten image on page 1 of the Gallery.
March 4, 1998
--- Corrected the mail addresses.
--- Added reference to change.htm in stories2.htm.
March 2, 1998
--- (sigh) In my rush to get the updates out yesterday, I
accidentally overwrote one of the existing images on the first
page of the Gallery with files of the same name. So, until I fix
this, the link to the original image has been removed from page
one of the Gallery.
--- Some other page changes.
March 1, 1998
--- Some page changes, including 'fixing' a weird problem in
appearance for the links page between IE and Navigator.
--- Added a second page to the Image Gallery (now known as simply
'The Gallery')
--- Added Destiny's Wish 25.
February 17, 1998
--- Site name change! ^_^
--- Added mention of Fanfic of the Month award (#2 for Jan. '98,
Continuing Series) for Destiny's Wish, Part 23.
---Modification to the 'Future Projects/Coming Soon' section.
February 12, 1998
--- Modified the Image Gallery so that all the pictures have their
own HTM page which displays them under 640 pixels wide, for
everyone who's still using 640x480 resolutions. ^_^ It's a bit of
a trade-off, but it makes the images easier to see without having
to do a lot of scrolling.
--- Added color version of the second ANQ Hana image.
February 11, 1998
--- Re-uploaded (?) the HTM page for the ANQ "Ondyre
Rising Concerto" image. Why it disappeared or was never there, I
have no idea. Thanks to Richard Beaubien for noticing
February 6, 1998
--- Some page updates.
--- Added new pictures to the Destiny's Wish and A New
Quest sections.
---Added A New Quest 6 and Destiny's Wish 24.
--- Revision of Destiny's Wish 20 added.
January 18, 1998
--- Apologies for all the server problems. Things should be back
to normal now. Updated all pages again with the correct URL
reference, plus some other minor changes. Added another Eliza
picture for BGS and another Ranma picture for Destiny's
January 6, 1998
--- Added A New Quest 5, Destiny's Wish 23.
January 1, 1998
--- New year, new location, and a few page changes to reflect the
--- Revised version of A New Quest 4 added, along with a
couple of pictures.
December 25, 1997
--- Minor page changes, revised versions of Destiny's Wish
8 and 15.
Oh, and a "Merry Christmas" to everyone. ^_^
December 16, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 22.
December 8, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 21.
December 1, 1997
---Minor page changes.
November 30, 1997
--- Added A New Quest 4.
November 22, 1997
--- Apparently, I left the link to the HTML version of A New
Quest 1 off of the pages. Fixed (I hope). Replaced
stories1.htm with a new version of the page. This version looks
best in Internet Explorer 4.0, but it also solves some of the
problems I was having with Netscape 3.
November 20, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 20, extremely minor (one letter!)
revision of Destiny's Wish 19. Revised Links page.
November 15, 1997
I've been meaning to get to these changes for a while...
--- Moved most of the subpages to the iczer1 server.
--- Added picture of Ayumi (Destiny's Wish) and HTML
versions of ANQ 1, Destiny's Wish 1.
--- Mention of "Author of the Month" award. Apologies to Keith M.
for not being able to get to this sooner.
November 4, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 19.
October 30, 1997
--- The Image Gallery is back! ^_^ Some minor page changes.
October 28, 1997
--- Added A New Quest 3, revised versions of Destiny's
Wish 15 and 16. Fixed a few of the links on the Links page.
October 20, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 18, some page changes. Fixed
Links page to work properly with newer browsers like MSIE4. I'm
now using a 800x600 video mode, so the pages might look better at
that resolution. ^_^
October 2, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 17, minor page changes.
September 28, 1997
--- Fixed stupid capitalization error in A New Quest
picture pages
(I forgot my FTP client auto-converts all filenames to lowercase.)
Thanks to Edison Pongklub for catching this.
September 27, 1997
--- Some page changes...
Added - SM: A New Quest, part 2, plus six illustrations of
characters for ANQ.
September 5, 1997
--- Added mention of Jacon's award for SM: Thanks for the
Memories, link and graphic. Replaced image of Ranma for Destiny's
Wish with a full-color one.
August 26, 1997
--- Minor page changes. Added: Destiny's Wish 16, revised
August 14, 1997
--- A few changes to the pages. Note about the future return of
the Image Gallery; changed all illustration links on the main
story pages so that I could have the illustrations scaled down to
better fit a 640x480 screen. No more scrolling all over the place
to view the picture - unless, of course, you save it to disk and
view it offline without scaling it down. :)
--- Added: Destiny's Wish 15, SM: A New Quest
(part 1), plus illustrations for ANQ and Thanks for
the Memories.
July 22, 1997
--- Slight page changes. Added Destiny's Wish 14, revised
6 and 12.
July 8, 1997
--- Added Digital Moon: Remix and picture of Ranma for Destiny's
July 2, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 13, mention of p14.
--- Some slight changes to the pages.
June 16, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 12, mention of p13.
June 11, 1997
--- Some minor edits on the links page. Added a couple mirror
sites for a
couple of links.
June 6, 1997
--- Thanks go to Tom Williams for pointing out to me that the link
this page wasn't working properly. It should be fixed now, but if
isn't, you shouldn't be able to read this ^_^
June 5, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 11, mention of p12.
May 28, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 10, mention of p11.
--- Added a couple more links, modified main stories pages
May 15, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 9, mention of p10.
May 6, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish 8, mention of p9.
--- Updated one of the links on the links page.
May 1, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish, part 7. Mention of part 8.
--- Added and updated some links.
April 25, 1997
--- Removed Image Gallery.
April 24, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish, part 6 to story pages, mention
of part 7.
--- Posted revised version of Destiny's Wish, parts 4, 5.
April 18, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish, part 5 to story pages, mention
of part 6.
--- Posted revised version of Destiny's Wish, part 1.
April 14, 1997
--- Added Destiny's Wish, part 4 to story pages, mention
of part 5.
April 10, 1997
--- Posted revised versions of Digital Moon 1 and 2 (text
and HTML formats).
April 7, 1997
--- Added Internet Explorer and Crescendo! buttons to main menu.
--- Added changelog. I'm considering removing the Image Gallery to
free up some space. Let me know if you would rather have me keep
it. :)
--- Added Destiny's Wish, part 3 to story pages, updated
corrected versions of parts 1 and 2. Mention of upcoming part 4
--- Added .ZIP file of the MIDI on the graphics page for people
who want to listen to it, but whose browsers don't play it
correctly (if at all).
March 31, 1997
--- Updated MSIE link on main page.
--- Added Destiny's Wish, part 2 to story pages.
--- Added more links to links page.
Back to main page